Developing your sales muscle with Eric Lofholm and Marcelle Allen

Early on, I never considered myself a “closer” and I only saw myself as an “opener” where I’d pass a hot lead to someone else to close a sale. In the past few years, I’ve become a closer!! I still get super pumped everytime I close a big deal. It doesn’t matter if it’s for $50 or $5000! I get jazzed when I close. I want you to have this same shift as you become confident in sales.

Remarkable Sales

Remarkable sales






One of the most important distinctions that Eric has taught me it to stay in the conversation of sales. We change. Our clients needs change. The objections can be prepared for and the scripts can be improved. Developing a remarkable sales career is a wonderful goal!

I believe strongly in leveraging technology to support earning a sale, but it cannot replace you completely. As you learn more about Developing Digital You, as Eric’s Developed Digital Eric, you’ll find that selling isn’t as scary as you once thought.

Video: How to Grow Your Business with Technology

Recently my sales coach and I created a special webinar to help people Develop their best Digital self. You can catch the recording here.


The meetup I run in Bothell, WA is called “Developing Digital You” and you can get updates here on Facebook or join a DDY meetup.

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