Social imagery is powerful but is it really a useful visual strategy? Here are some additional perspectives on how and why to take and share great photos. Photos alone are not a campaign in my book but they prove existence, showcase talent, highlight moments in your sphere of influence.
Next level imagery is making it into an anato-gram. It’s a visual strategy to show what you know quickly vs a long page of text. It’s not required but it showcases knowledge and experience quickly and hopefully effectively. With all the creative tools at our fingertips it’s easier to make these than ever before.
What subject do you want to being more attention to?
🏡 Maybe you want to highlight the neighborhood surrounding your new listing?
🍱 Maybe you want to highlight the ingredients in something delicious?
🤓 Maybe you want to point out unfamiliar terms in a familiar way.
Thoughtful prompt.
Brainstorm 10 things you could capture and better describe to your community.
Our cute selfies never helped anyone make a decision. Am I wrong!?

If you are struggling to tell help others make important decisions online, send me a message and I’ll be able to steer and cheer you in the right direction.
Enjoy other articles on this topic. Here is a recent Design Discussions zoom conversation on the topic.