Document your stories

Every non-profit must face fundraising with enthusiasm to maintain their mission. Businesses must generate revenue every month and storytelling is key. Stories are one the the least documented and most important pieces of a big event or campaign. Here are some insights to encourage you as you begin to document your stories. Four thoughtful ways…

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Are you a remarkable resource on insta?

If you are a remarkable resource, I want to feature you in our new Instagram directory. With only 2 publications under my belt and a huge vision for what’s next I’m thrilled to invite you to participate. In March’s issue I’m featuring a brand that was pivotal in my healing journey this last year.  It…

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Alaska with my PNAnw Family

It was late summer after an intense surgery and I was ready for a change of scenery. This event was on my calendar for months an the anticipation was huge. If you click on this collage it will take you to a cute reel I made of the scene. This was the view from a…

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Add anato-grams to your strategy

visual strategy

Social imagery is powerful but is it really a useful visual strategy? Here are some additional perspectives on how and why to take and share great photos. Photos alone are not a campaign in my book but they prove existence, showcase talent, highlight moments in your sphere of influence. Next level imagery is making it…

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Allocate, you must.

The dark side of budgeting is lack of clarity, undefined priorities, being caught unprepared, and making choices that don’t provide results. I’m writing a children’s book called The Allocation Station but until it’s ready, I thought this would be a fun take at budgeting. Budgeting is about allocating and prioritizing. I remember a recent project…

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Why stock images don’t help you look like an expert.

Do you want to be a specialist or a generalist? Your content is a reflection of your intelligence and skills and heart vibe. Would the content you design help another make a decision? Speed is of remarkable importance when facing an important decision. Massive chucks of text doesn’t move information quickly, some decisions are split…

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The role of Advertising in Financial Joy

Someone recently asked what the role of advertising was in Financial Joy and this is my response. The flow of money in our life comes and goes. There is often ease and occasional imbalance in our lives. Advertising is one of those wildly powerful but perhaps under utilized tactics. It’s when you pay for visibility…

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Digital PNA #1 recap & resources

Special thanks to the first participants of our Digital PNA community. I’ve been dreaming of this type of event for a while and it’s finally happening! Below are some of my highlights from the meeting and some resources for future reference. First off, Mo, you are crushing it on instagram and I love watching from…

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Lights, camera, IULS!

Are you a data diva? Recently I had the honor of traveling to Las Vegas with a dear client and long time facebook friend of over 5 years. Meeting in real life definitely has a wonderful way of connecting causes. Here is my video highlights of that weekend! Please watch and be inspired. Building a…

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The Optimistic Choice with Rae Ann Hall

Recently I honored to be on Rae Ann Halls new podcast, The Optimistic Choice. She is super optimistic and always brings a smile to the room. “Optimism doesn’t take away the pain, it helps you navigate thru it at a higher frequency so you don’t get stuck.” Rae Ann Hall I shared about why everyone…

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