On October 2nd Dreamosity is challenging you to imagine yourself as a candle. Who are you? What would the components of that candle be? Are you in a jar or bare for the world to see? Is your flame bold and bright or flickering and unsure? Are you a tealight floating in a bowl of water, praying the table isn’t jostled?
We want to inspire you to create amazing art, but more so, thought-provoking art. This challenge is about self-reflection and analysis. Even if you only doodle a candle with wiggly lines and a blob for a flame, I hope you join us in considering what kind of candle we really are.
Linked below are ideas on how to draw the wax and flame.

Just now getting to the drawing challenge? Check out our HUB page for more details on Dreamosity’s Drawtober. These will getting to get a little trickier as the month goes on.
From @Dreamosity on Instagram: “This woman is bringing great depth to the self care conversation. Stacy Fisher of @livingupp has written several books, received cool awards, and successfully removed herself from a unhealthy relationship. Her framework for the 8 dimensions of self care should be taught across America and beyond. There I said it!! Kids and adults need what she knows. I’m not sure if she drew this framework before it was designed but I’m pretty sure all that self care gave her strength to pursue these advanced types of content. Infographics plus experience is what brings transformation. It’s not about knowing, it’s getting your audience to truly know.”