This year has been wonderful and slow. One of the things that I’m eager to change in 2021 is the addition of print post cards and greeting cards and starting email marketing to better invite folks to our online events.
There is a weird thing that happens because of the Facebook algorithm and I can’t keep trying to fight it.
In the past few years I’ve probably hosted over 100 online events and been slightly inconsistent at who gets invited. Facebook events have been a cornerstone for Dreamosity events with a little assist from Meetup time to time. I want to be better at getting the right people the right information at the right time.
One of my Discovery Deck elements in that “Events Drive Engagement” and for years I’ve joked that if you Facebook page appears to be dead, host an event. Gathering people to celebrate, learn, discuss is something I value very strongly and that won’t stop.
I love great systems that help me advance things faster. I’ve begun using Banner Seasons and will continue to mail those clients and friends whom I adore in 2021. Please consider adding your mailing address to my database.
I wonder what type of pen pals may show up as a result. I used to love writing letters as a girl and I’m going to bring it back but with a slightly digital twist.
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