Social Media Muscles: Toastmasters Speech

Are you ready to develop your social media muscles? Watch as I give some tips to a local Toastmasters club.

In this video, I showcase the various ways to participate in social media.

If you were to rate your social media muscles, how do you measure up? Does it matter to you to be in the game?

Most Toastmasters are leaders at some level, however, not all are willing to play the game and share their speeches online for others to find. It’s not as scary or overwhelming as you might think. If you can set up a gmail account, you can easily set up a YouTube account.

The other thing to consider is if you record your speeches and post them online, you can serve the greater Toastmaster community all around the globe. Some of my videos have been watched from several countries. How would you like to teach and train others who are just beginning their career? It feels good!

Share your ideas on the big stage at a local district training.

Most importantly, your friends and family are all in the game. Find out at what level and see if you can contribute to their success. A vision only comes to reality when enough people support the visionary.

In summary, you get to decide how you show up and contribute. Your first round of Toastmasters speeches is wide open in terms of topic selection. You can basically share about anything you want to. If there is anything I can support you with, please reach out.

If this post inspires you to dive in, please let me know. I’d love to be one of your first views on your first speeches you share online.

Curious to develop your public speaking skills? Check out this article Public Speaking.

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