Recently a wonderfully wise woman told me, “I’m not sure when I’ll feel like I’m really a Public Speaker. I really want to feel like a speaker!” This blog post is dedicated to her.
She’s been speaking for free to various small groups for a few years, she has a website, and she’s super passionate about her topic.
What I wonder is do other people SEE her as a successful professional speaker? The speaker circuit is full of speakers!
Success can come in many forms. One of the big things, in my opinion, is finding out your speaker style. For me, I love workshops that have 4-12 people and I made a quick $500-$1000. Sought out Professional Speakers can command $20,000+ per engagement. Some consider themselves a success if they sell a book or two from the back of the room.
It’s important to decide what success looks like for you!
From a marketing perspective, when I judge a speaker based on their online presence, these are some of the things that impress me.
- A beautiful headshot with attractive lighting on their About page.
- A Speaker Sheet which has various industry insight in their Press Room.
- A compelling speaker video that I can easily access.
- Testimonials from ‘important people.’
- A handful of blogs that support their topics. I like the depth!
- A press kit or Press Room which highlights their topics, key questions, mentions and features in larger communities.
- Photos where the audience is engaged, smiling, and even taking pictures like this third one!
Public Speaking Photos
Pictures like this seem attractive but it could be a wedding toast for all we know. Some Toastmaster friends beef up their speaking skills for these types of events alone.

This is a stock photo but the size of the audience is impressive to me but I have zero insight on in he was compensated.

Recently a client of mine traveled to Spain for a conference. I didn’t get to go but when I saw this photo, I knew she was a professional speaker! (below)

Press Rooms that Impress!
Not all Press Rooms are created equal. My friend Lynette Hoy of Firetalker PR says the goal is to make it easier for the Press to do their job. Give them the information ALL in one place so they can best prep their article or interview. This article from her takes it further on Why a PR Plan should be a part of your business plan.
Here are a few Press Rooms to give you an idea of what it could look like. Keep in mind, you could interview or write about anything in a press room to support your ideas in your articles and videos.
- My very own Press Room for Dreamosity
- A very happy page by Rebecca West
- A rebellious Dr. Michelle Mazur calls it a Media Kit and hers is impressive!
Speaker sheets that explain what you speak on!
I’ve learned a lot about the ‘Speaker Sheet’ over the years and here are a collection of ones I’ve kept for various reasons. While I’m not hiring speakers for my projects, I like having talented people close.
- Pam Dibbs has a nice speaker sheet
- My own speaker sheet is a work in progress
Michelle Mauzer was the one who taught me that our speeches become products when we dive into public speaking. So consider all you know about selling products and consider the packaging that goes into marketing YOU.
*If you are currently reading this and have a killer speaker sheet, send it my way and I’ll add it for reference and inspiration.
Media Bling
Media Bling is what I call it in my Discovery Deck when speakers or brands showcase where they’ve been featured. Usually, you’ll see the icons of notable brands and media outlets. The Budget Mom calls it “Industry Love” at the bottom of her about page.
Consider the industry leaders in your space.
Where would you LOVE to be featured or showcased? With social media, it’s easier and easier to catch the attention of these decision-makers.
What Feeling specifically do you want?
Knowing how you want to feel is the most potent clarity you can have. Generating those feelings is the most powerful thing you can do with your life.
Danielle Laporte
Get crystal clear on how you want to feel when you speak and after you speak. My friend Todd Cudaback taught me there are always 3 speeches we give; the one we plan, the one we deliver, and the one we wish we gave and think about on the drive home. Here are a few feelings I hope you would feel as you grow your speaking career.
- Wise and valued
- Compelling and clearly communicated
- Passionate with purpose
- Resilient and Resourceful
- Direct and helping them decide
- Light-hearted or playful with a purpose
Having one or two powerful and polished speeches can easily turn into Keynotes. There are two meanings to Keynote, one is a presentation software like Powerpoint where the presentation is visually supported and displayed on a large screen. Keynote speeches or keynote addresses are presented in a corporate or commercial setting with a main theme and lessons.
Toastmasters is another incredible resource if you are looking to develop confidence and organization in your speech. I did this for several years until I noticed a shift in the marketplace and LAF Tech was developed to serve a more specialized goal of helping speakers develop their unique mix of humor. Being resilient on stage and entertaining is so important for keeping attention online and offline.
I’m excited for you to continue to develop confidence and focus on your speaking career. When you want to achieve more goals in this area, I have tons more resources to share. Stay remarkable.