Blogs and Videos
My brain races a mile a minute and I have more ideas than I know what to do with! Can you relate?
My blog posts cover many topics. In ever case, I look for ways to support people in business with ideas, social media tactics and just plain fun.
Know the data behind your dreams
Allocate, you must.
The dark side of budgeting is lack of clarity, undefined priorities, being caught unprepared, and ma
The role of Advertising in Financial Joy
Someone recently asked what the role of advertising was in Financial Joy and this is my response.
Theme Park Life as a Business Owner
Do you ever feel like business life is fun, or that life is a wild ride? I sure do! Today I want to
Notice Patterns with the Cash Creator
Shift your behavior to notice patterns and potential profits. When you become a financial joy design
Visual aids and approaches
The path to the purchase
Not all purchases are given much thought. When we have favorites places to shop, the buying is easy.
Wisdom Guide Wednesdays
What is the wisdom of your brand recently? What major insights did you have or minor ones? For the p
[Video] 21 Visuals Every Brand should have for Social Media
Recently I shared 21 visuals to support your marketing strategy online with Marketplace Connections.
How to prepare your own wisdom guide
In the design industry, it's common for designers to provide a style guide. In the accounting indust
Radio Interviews and More
Doodle the Data Challenge
You are invited to join the creativity as we explore new ways to focus on and further understand dul
Financial Joy on The Money Hour Show
Do you experience Financial Joy on a consistent basis or does it seem impossible to achieve? Check o
[Video] A look back at our time in The Remarkable Room
The Remarkable Room has been a dream come true for me these past three years. I was looking for a pl
An introduction to Financial Joy
In 2017, I was supporting a client to develop a course in "Financial Intelligence" and since then, w
Big picture strategy
Developing your sales muscle with Eric Lofholm and Marcelle
Early on, I never considered myself a "closer" and I only saw myself as an "opener" where I'd pass a
Understanding Visual Leadership
Leading people with visuals is one thing, being a visual leader is another. This diagram shows ma
The Social Audience Matrix - Where do you fall?
After 7 years of growing audiences for clients, I developed a matrix to help people understand where
Scaling Generosity
What makes a business last? The ability to produce and sell a product. The ability to scal
Interviews: What Works and How Tos
[Video] Interview with Dani Graham of Dig It Flower Farm
The joy of flower delivery should be experienced by all! My sister definitely knows how to bring
[Video] Interview with Beth Wray on Natural Solutions, Faceb
Natural solutions aren't always talked about in the home but perhaps they should be. Beth and I c
[Video] Interview with We Fix Ugly Design Founder, Brian Tre
Dreamosity has evolved because of this guy! Brian Trendler is the founder of We Fix Ugly Design and
[Video] Interview with Brian Gibbs of Focused Idea
I learned so much from Brian Gibbs during this interview! It was such a gift to get clairty on one b